Wednesday 31 March 2010

Location report

The location used is at one of our houses. This is because the film beginning is based on the morning after a house party. The location is easily accessible and there was no permission needed. We used this particular house for the layout structure, and the Jacuzzi for the dead body. Our opening scene was filmed in the living room, the upstairs hall way, the bathroom, the kitchen, and the outside garden which includes the Jacuzzi.
Our film starts off by entering the living room. The camera is then transported around the characters and the room. The camera then goes on to film upstairs. You see the top of the stairs, and goes towards the bathroom. Again the camera goes around all the characters, and then heads back towards the stairs. The camera faces down stairs to give the assumption that they are heading that way. The camera then enters the kitchen and wonders around more actors. It then heads towards the back door. After opening the back door the camera goes outside towards the Jacuzzi. Heading towards the Jacuzzi, we see the scenery around them. The camera then reaches the Jacuzzi, sees the body, and ends.

The living room location includes:
The bathroom and hall way location includes:
The kitchen location includes:
The outside location includes:

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